I know I would get in trouble if I merely post images from this next session because they are clearly not “newborn” photos. So here’s a little background story.
I’ve re-written this post a few times. I really wanted to express how much it meant to me to do this session. The words began to flow, but so much that I was writing a short novel each time. The end result may still be a little long but I hope it conveys my gratefulness for allowing me to capture these images for this family.
A while back I was asked if I could do an on location newborn shoot. Location being NICU (Neonatal or Newborn Intensive Care Unit). Instantly I was concerned. Hallogen lighting and limited space came to mind, but not before the concern of babies health and safety. Even when it comes to photographing full term healthy 9 pound babies, newborn photography requires the utmost care, attention to detail, and overall awareness and understanding of newborn life. Newborn photography in the NICU requires all of that as well as doctors permission! However, as anyone can only imagine, having your newborn baby stay in the hospital for days upon weeks, upon months, can take it’s toll and photos become the last thing on your heavy mind.
So nearly a year later I was contacted again. He was ready for his “newborn” shoot and of course I was happy to do it!
I didn’t know the full details but I knew this little man had a hard time getting here. When I walked in to their home I saw a snapshot from the hospital that took my breath away. On the mantle was a shadow box that held an imprint of two little feet no bigger than the size of my pinky. Looking down I saw those same little feet, just a tad bigger now stomping across the floor attached to two strong legs, a healthy body, and a face with the biggest smile you ever saw!
Born at only 29 weeks, he weighed 1 lb and 12 oz (about the weight of a bag of Nestle chocolate chips!) and no longer than a 12 inch ruler. Here he is, his very first photo session, the most active and happy “newborn” I have ever photographed. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of what is clearly going to be an amazing life.