I was so excited to receive a phone call requesting me to photograph newborn twins I think I may have squealed out loud! Due to their early arrival into this world we had to wait a few weeks out to get them in. I admit I was a little nervous that A) There would be two of them! B) They were a little older than I usually photograph, and C) Their big brother wanted to be in a few! I thought I was going to have my hands full, and well… literally I did 😉
But when this family arrived at the door I was greeted by the most polite little man who looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Hi nice to meet you” and two of the nicest parents each carrying a car seat with these beautiful little girls inside! The hardest part of this session was helping to decide if they should order the 24×30 or 24×36 canvas.
There is nothing more rewarding for me as a photographer than seeing my work displayed and hearing things like, “..already put up the pictures in the girls room and they give the room such a calming, loving, and warm feeling.”
Thank you so much for asking me to capture this time for you and Congratulations to the beautiful additions to your already wonderful family.
Sandra McCullough- Managan - what a HANDSOME young man, you can see how proud he is,