/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Newborn Baby Girl ~ Oakley Photographer

When a client is so happy with their images they tell a friend I am thrilled. When that friend calls me over a year later because she is expecting I am ecstatic! Word of mouth, referrals, and return clients are by far the most solid compliment to me and my work. It’s what keeps me going, photographing, and of course sharing these beautiful babies with you.

Thank you for the referral and the trust in me, and my dedication to capturing your newborn in these early days.

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Newborn baby boy ~ Lion King ~ Oakley Newborn Photographer

Here he is, Mama’s little lion king. If you haven’t yet, you should take a look through my facebook page and see this little man in his Simba outfit. I have been promised a final image of his nursery with that portrait hanging! I can’t wait and I know you can’t either so I promise to share.

Until then here are a few of my other favorites from his session.

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Happy 4th of July ~ Newborn Baby Photographer ~ Bay Area Oakley

Happy 4th of July to all. Take a moment to remember why we celebrate.  Sing the Star Spangled Banner, wear your red, white, and blue, have a great weekend!

starla wise photography newborns 4th of july 2015

Celebrate responsibly and remember the firefighters, Police officers, and medical workers who sacrifice so much to keep us safe, make them proud today 😉

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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - just too cute!!!ReplyCancel

Sweet Baby K 6 months ~ Newborn baby photography ~ Oakley Brentwood

You may remember this cutie from a Christmas time post when I photographed her in her first week of life, My “Joy to the World” baby. She is growing so fast and so beautiful! She didn’t care too much for my camera. She would look off to the side of me with a big smile and then back at the camera with a confused look. But I have mad Peek – a – boo skills! (well that and Mom was behind me singing her favorite song… thanks Mom) so we caught quite a few good ones! Thank you for coming back and I cannot wait to see you all again in six short months.

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Tiny Dancer ~ Newborn Ballerina ~ Newborn Photographer ~ Oakley

Every time I hear Tiny dancer I think of the Friend’s episode where Phoebe sings the wrong lyrics saying, “Tony Danza” instead of Tiny dancer. Ah good times.
However after this newborn session with this beautiful ballerina I believe it will now remind me of her. I was lucky enough to be asked to capture her big brother when he was newly born just 3 years ago and so honored when I received the call that Mom and Dad were expecting this little princess and wanted to return to have me capture her! Thank you so much for sharing your family with me. Congratulations on your newest addition.

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