/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Newborn Cowboy ~Newborn Photographer ~ Oakley

I love some of the newborn outfits I see on Etsy. Adorable hats, amazing knits and crochet diaper covers, are all very cute when baby is laying in their crib or car seat. However newborn outfits can be tricky to photograph. Newborns are not created equal and a “one size fits all” hand made outfit can sometimes leave your precious newborn looking like a wet cat in an over sized bathing suit! While I personally prefer the birthday suit and the simplicity of a wrap or cover, I also encourage clients to bring sentimental items, small props, or things that capture the personality of the family their little one has been born into.

Well Mama is an equestrian! I have to admit I was skeptical, but when I put these hand made chaps and cowboy hat on this little guy I swear I could hear the lyrics, “I’m a cowboy” by Bon Jovi fill the room in surround sound like an anthem when he struck this perfect pose!

I cannot wait to see the final portrait when it’s framed and hung. Thank you for sharing your newborn cowboy with me and congratulations to you and your family.


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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - giddy up!! love it!!!ReplyCancel

To be or not to be Thankful~ Newborn Photographer ~ Bay Area Oakley

thankful smiles2


My oh my how life passes us by. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday (trumps Christmas for me by a mile!) My Mother’s Mother had a big family. 9 brothers and sisters. By the time the youngest siblings were having kids the oldest were having Grand kids. That meant lots (and LOTS) of cousins, second cousins and cousins once removed! (It took about 35 years for me to understand that term, Thank you Geneaology.com )

For me Thanksgiving was the sound of football on the T.V, the smell of food in the kitchen, and family everywhere. At least it was. Our Thanksgiving tradition has changed over the years, as life would have it. Kids grow up, families branch off,  and in-laws get calendared in for “every other” Thanksgiving. A table once set for 38 is now a quaint party of 5. And yet I woke up this morning at 5:45am giddy that it is Thanksgiving.

You see “tradition” is a complex word. There are many things that change throughout your life. Some good, some bad, and some indifferent. There are things I used to do with my family growing up that I have tried to re live in my adulthood. Camping, vacations, trips to the beach. Somehow when I get there I get a feeling of loss, that something is missing, and I realize it was so much more than just a family trip to the beach for me back then. It was my childhood freedom, my parents together, a feeling, that no matter how many times I take my own daughter, I will never get back.

But Thanksgiving. . . I have learned over the years each time it comes that it doesn’t matter how many place settings are on the table, or that the table is even set. Thanksgiving to me is an eye opener (a feeling I wish I could hold every day, and I try.) When I look back at our tradition it wasn’t about having a lot of people, or a lot of food, or a perfectly set table. The memories that flash in my head are of people laughing, reminiscing, and making new memories in that moment. The tradition was simply being Thankful. There was no place else to be and there was nothing more important than the people who were there. That is a tradition I have carried with me even when my table is set for 3.

I am Thankful for my where I am on this day every year. I am Thankful for the road that brought me here, for the people, friends and family, that have played a role in my life. I am Thankful for the hard times that help me appreciate the good, and for cliche sayings like that to remind me when I am not Thankful, I should be.  I am thankful that while it may seem extremely difficult at times . . . there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.



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100 newborn babies ~ Starla Wise Photography ~ Bay Area Newborn Photographer

starla wise photography newborns 100 FBI cannot believe it. A personal milestone achieved. I have officially photographed 100 newborn babies. 1000 tiny little toes!

I honestly can’t say that photography is my calling. But I will say when I started this journey I photographed anyone who would let me. The first time I worked with a newborn I knew that if photography was what I was going to do, newborn photography, specifically was my calling. When I would photograph adults, young kids, or families I was always nervous before the session. I was filled with anxiety of capturing the moment, afraid the kids wouldn’t cooperate, nervous I couldn’t capture their attention to get genuine expressions. After a session I was exhausted and honestly hopeful that I wouldn’t get another session any time soon.   The first time I had a newborn session I felt a sense of calmness. Maybe it was how warm the room is, maybe because it’s a quiet environment, but even though the parents were 5 feet away, I instantly felt like no one else was there. I just started to work. At the end of the session I felt happy and looked forward to uploading the images and couldn’t wait to do it again.

I want to sincerely thank each and every one of the families who brought their newborn baby to me. Especially in the beginning when it was hard to answer the question, “How long have you been doing this? How many babies have you photographed?” I’m sure there were clients that feared that I may not be qualified to handle their precious newly born child. Photography is not easy. There are so many elements. Much like teaching it can broken down into subjects. Some subjects come easy to you, some are more difficult, some can be learned, and some you will just never get the hang of.  I am so thankful that I found this craft!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who shared my work, shared my name, and continue to do so. I cannot wait to do 100 more!


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All in the family ~ Newborn Baby Photographer ~Oakley, Benecia

I can’t say enough how much I love to see the babies I capture grow. This session I was honored to capture not only a newborn baby, but his big sister who I captured when she was just a newborn too. I love to see how much they have changed, yet recognize the features they still have from that very first week. Even more fun is to experience the differences and similarities in how the sessions themselves go. Remember how sleepy big sister was when she was here first? Little brother… not as much 😉 Thank you so much for returning to have me capture your growing family. I hope you love your images.

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Newborn Baby Photographer First Birthday ~ Oakley Brentwood

I had the pleasure of photographing this sweet baby girl when she was just a newborn. She came back 6 short months later for her Christmas photos. Here she is again for her first birthday! Time flies and she could too with this awesome prop her mother made. Isn’t it fantastic? We were able to capture so many great images before she learned how to pull all the balloons down 😉 Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of her first year of life. Happy Birthday


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