/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Bay area Photographer ~ Artist ~ Painter

I’ll never forget the first time someone told me they loved my work. The fact that a photograph I took was referred to as “work” took my breath away. It was the recognition that I didn’t just push the button on my camera to take a photograph but that I actually planned, designed, and produced an image that reflected experience and artistic ability. It made me so much more confident to say to people, “I am a photographer.” To me when you say you are a photographer it means you have experience, education, and skill in producing images worthy of being referred to as “work” or “art.” I wasn’t always confident that I was worthy of this title.

Last night I attended a fundraising event where as a group you are taught to paint on canvas. While I was surprised at how much better my painting turned out than I expected, I found myself thinking, “Artist I am NOT.” I planned on posting a picture of my painting with a humorous saying about the difference between and artist and a photographer to which I turned to good ol’ Dictionary.com. I was surprised at what I found.

Artist1. a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.

Photographer1. a person who takes photographs, either as a hobby or a profession

Needless to say I was a little offended at the lack of reverence in the definition of Photographer. Not to mention that I could have been referring to myself as a photographer since I was 12. But the flip side is that while I did have the assurance to refer to myself as a photographer I was far from calling myself an artist. And now? Well no one can argue with the dictionary and according to definition I guess I can now refer to myself as a photographic artist. Or better yet a painter!

Paintera person who coats walls or other surfaces with paint  (Yep that’s me!)




Thank you for a fun evening for a good cause  www.relayforlife.org/oakleyca



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  • Juliee Hanlon - Dear Starla, As your instructor last night, and as a reader today of your blog, I must state you are an artist as defined. A painter, sure, a photographer is also an Artist. There are people who take pictures, then there are those who not only use their eye, but their knowledge and talent. I agree with you, there needs to be a new term for those like you, a PhotoArtist, as you deserve the reverence. Thanks for attending and allowing this little lady to guide you through a beginning into the artistic medium I love: paint!ReplyCancel

Bay area Newborn photographer ~Oakley ~ Brothers

Boys will be boys! This session was so much fun! These two big brothers were so good around their newest family member. They played and pushed each other in the usual brotherly loving way but as soon as their newborn brother was in the pose they handled with care. They will be sure to remind him how nice they were “back then” because this little brother looks like he may be the bigger brother in a few short years! Thank you so much for sharing this time with me. Congratulations to you and your family.

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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - the baby loks just like the young man on the right! great picture!!ReplyCancel

Bay Area Newborn photographer ~ Oakley ~ Concord

Well my holiday decorations are back in the attic, the tree is on the curb to be picked up today, and the new year has begun. However, the end of 2015 was such a busy time for me (happy dance) and my session blogs fell behind (shame). Time to catch up . .

They say in show biz not to work with kids or animals. If you ask around many photographers will agree. I Love photographing babies! I must admit though, when this client called and asked if they could bring along their family dog  I was a bit nervous. But I figured if I can photograph a newborn and their toddler sibling I can handle a dog! LOL The session went great! This “first born” child could not be more proud of the newest member to the family. Congratulations and thank you for asking me to capture this time for you. It was a great experience.

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And a Happy New Year! Newborn Baby Photographer Bay Area ~ Oakley

Well as it always does the end of the year passed through like an avalanche. Right at the beginning of October I can hear the rumbling and before I have a chance to look up and see it coming it’s January and I find myself trying to break through, claw my way out, emerge from the wreckage we call The holidays! Don’t get me wrong I love the holidays. I love being with my family, enjoying the smiles and excitement it brings to my daughter and of course the food! But much like carrying your unborn child (all my mother’s out there can feel this one) the Holidays coming to an end is like the end of your pregnancy. The bitter sweet end of this wondrous time. Gone is the rubbing of the belly, the little kicks inside, the morning sickness, the swollen feet.. haha The New Year is the feeling you get after the last chapter of a book when you know there is a new series!

So here is to all of my past, present, and future clients. Friends, Family, and Followers. May your next chapter be your best yet! Remember all the great stories have heartache, unfortunate events, and unexpected twists but what keeps us going is the Happy Ending. I wish you a Happy, Healthy, and adventurous new year!

Starla Wise Photography Happy New Year 2016 web


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Starla Wise Photography 2016 Wall Calendar Contest

The 3rd Annual SWP Calendar has arrived! Win it before you can buy it!  Scroll Down and use the widget to enter the contest.

Begins December 10, 2015 12:00am PST Ends December 17, 2015 12:00am PST


Winner will be announced here on the blog. Winner must provide email address when entering contest, winner will be announced and emailed on December 18th, 2015 and must respond within 24 hours to accept prize. Prize will be delivered via USPS. FACEBOOK is in no way a part or sponsor of this contest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


To purchase the calendar now you may click HERE

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  • Phoebe Williamson - Oh oh pick me pick me.!!!ReplyCancel

  • Luisa Ortiz - I love seeing all the pictures of all the little angels on your page.ReplyCancel

  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - i love seeing all the beautiful miracles you photograph, at 66 they still bring back memories af my own!!ReplyCancel