/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Livermore Bay Area Newborn Photographer

I try to always use words like “handsome” and “good looking” when describing boys, but when I first saw this little guy I exclaimed, “He is so pretty!”  I couldn’t help myself it just seemed like the perfect word!  So being the neurotic person I am I had to go look the two words up after his session. I found that the word handsome is defined as having and attractive and imposing appearance. While the word pretty is defined as attractive by delicacy or gracefulness.  (Your English lesson for the day!)  In any case I believe any adjective relating to the fact that this little man is going to be a heartbreaker is fitting! Thank you so much Mom for traveling and asking me to capture this time for you!


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Oakley Brentwood East Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

This sweet little girl was a little modest and preferred to be wrapped. She must have known we were almost done when I put her in the basket in her birthday suit because she gave her BEST smile! Thank you Mom and Dad for letting me capture this moment for you, congratulations to you and your family!

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Brentwood Oakley East Bay Area Newborn Photographer

Every now and then I come across an idea that has either helped me as a mom or that would have helped me had I only known! So I thought since I have this blog available and it attracts new moms maybe I’ll share a thing or two in the event it might make another moms life easier!  Let’s start from the beginning.  The baby shower!

Before you throw away some of that pretty packaging your gifts came in take a look at how it might come in handy both now and later down the road.  Those crib sheet and Bumbers come in some pretty handy pouches. Some of them even have zipper closure!  Before you know it you are going to be swimming in small things that have no place of their own. Keep these handy bags!!

When my daughter was small I kept everything in these.  From those rings that go on her playmat to hair bows and headbands that had no business taking up space in the bathroom since it would be another 10 months before she had enough hair for them!!

You may have to add a hanger, but a lot of them come with a little ring of their own that make it perfect for storing.

As your child gets bigger their toys get smaller!  The days of throwing everything into one big box are gone!  When it’s time to move out the baby stuff keep the bags.   Unless you want to spend hours searching for Tinkerbell’s tinyest tea cup EVER..   put a pretty little label on one of these lovely bags, hang it in the closet, and viola! Everything has a place  😉



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Brentwood / Oakley East Bay Area Newborn Photographer

There is a book called “I loved you before you were born” by Anne Bowen.  Though it is written from a Grandmothers perspective, I believe all Mothers relate to every word.  The parents of this little princess are no exception.  Through trials and tribulations, determination, and mostly love, baby “A” has arrived.   It was an honor to capture her newborn photos for you. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl, clearly worth waiting for!




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Oakley Brentwood East Bay Area Newborn Photographer

Thinking outside of  the box is necessary in the world of art!  While I LOVE the great name stores like Aaron Brothers and Michaels for frames and framing supplies sometimes you can find just what you’re looking for in unexpected places.

The colors of this photograph I took a while back jumped out. I love the way the green and blue fall into place. I wanted to find a green frame. But everywhere I looked the green seemed to be too much, so I thought I needed to step away from green all together. Unitl I found this frame at a home furniture store!  My first thought was, “I love that frame, but I don’t need a corkboard. Nor do I have any place for a green frame in my house.  Then I remembered I was looking for something green… and $25, a staple remover, and a torn corkboard later, I had the perfect green frame with just a touch of yellow (which I had never thought of) to pull away from too much green! Voila!



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