/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

East Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

Pretty in Pink!  With this beautiful skin tone and all that hair the camera loved Miss baby J.  Thank you Mom and Dad for asking me to capture her first week for you. She is quite the Angel. Keep me updated on those eyes, I look forward to seeing what color they will be!







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Bay Area Newborn Photographer

The waterworks were on yesterday as my own baby girl turned 4 years old.  I admit I am a sentimental mess.  But there is just something about the thought of your child getting older that reaches in and squeezes your heart until you can’t breath.  Until you are a parent yourself  you never know the deep meaning of, “They grow so fast.” As I walked down the hall last night tears in my eyes my baby girl’s newborn portrait hanging on the wall stared down me and brought a smile to my face…… Then I bawled! 😉

So I am thankful when another mother (especially a client) shares with me why her newborn portraits were so important.  What a difference only 6 months makes.  Remember this guy?!



Well here he is only 6 short months later and yes it’s the same glove!   (Thank You K family for sharing this with me!) In the words of one of my favorite songs, “Don’t Blink”

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Newborn Photographer Bay Area ~ Oakley / Brentwood

This baby girl is the daughter of two parents with heroic professions and Grandparents who clearly could not be more proud.  There is no doubt her future is bright! Congratulations to you and your family and Thank you for traveling to see me.  Always an honor.



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Newborn Baby Photographer East Bay Area

One of my tiniest yet! Weighing in at 5 lbs 13 oz.! Mom brought the little truck along and I’m so glad she did what a perfect fit. Thank you M family for asking me to capture this time for you. It was my pleasure!


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Newborn photographer ~ Bay Area Brentwood Oakley

Leaving the house with a newborn is a chore. I truly feel honored each and everytime someone ventures out of their home within 10 days of giving birth to have me photograph their newest love.  This little one and his family traveled over an hour to see me and for that I am beyond flattered!  Luckily they had family nearby so big sister got to step in for a cameo before she went off to play with relatives.  Thank you again so much for letting me capture these images for you!

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