/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

I am really loving maternity sessions.  I especially love how the camera seems to capture that “glow” that most of us while pregnant never really feel!  Emotions while pregnant run high. Excitement, anxiety,  and let’s face it fear as we realize there is no turning back now.  But during a maternity session when I am posing or sometimes even when mom is waiting for me to adjust something I’ll notice an expression on her face, a slight smile, or the way she will put her hands on her belly.  When the images come out I see it even more. A certainty that this is going to be the most amazing thing she will ever do and she is more than ready for it!  Thank you for letting me capture this time for you.



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Newborn Photographer ~ San Ramon ~ Brentwood ~ Oakley

It is always so exciting to meet brand new parents.  I especially love when I hear “ahh how cute” when I am posing their little one.  I know that they are truly admiring the miracle that they have created but I like to pretend it has something to do with the way I have posed or captured an image!  I was moved by how giddy Mom and Dad were during this session. There is no doubt that they are embracing parenthood as the most amazing thing they have ever done and from the smile on her face little baby S knows she is in good hands!


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Newborn Photographer ~ Brentwood Oakley Bay Area

I am so excited to share this post!! My work is on display in an OBGYN office.  I had such a hard time deciding which beautiful babies to canvas. Then I decided it will be my mission to find enough places to display my work until each and every model of mine is canvased, framed, or displayed in an album!  Operation “You’ve been Showcased” has begun!


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Okay here it is a giveaway! Why? Truly because I was doing my taxes and thought, “something’s gotta give!” and then I thought maybe me?… The more you give the more you get they say right? Not when it comes to taxes LOL.
But in any case the mood struck me and so here it is. I did incorporate a little something to get back. What is it you ask? Well spreading the word of Starla Wise Photography of course.

SO here it is… Your chance to win a $25 gift card to The Children’s Place clothing store. Yay! In the spirit of giving when the tax man is taking the winner will be announced here (on the blog) on April 10th (Going with the property tax deadline so you don’t have to wait as long!)
How do I enter? You must be a fan of Starla Wise photography to enter. If you aren’t go “Like” SWP page and come back and enter. Already a fan? GREAT! If you want to enter the contest just confirm you are a fan and you are entered! Really want to win? Take advantage of additional entries by completing the second and third entries.
Entry means you have read and agree to all Rules and Disclaimers below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Rules: Easy Peasy Plain and Simple. If you enter the contest and don’t win no whinging, kicking, or screaming. If you do win…winner will be announced here on the blog April 10th, 2013, You must contact Starla Wise Photography via message on Facebook to claim your prize. Winner has 72 hours to contact Starla Wise Photography to claim prize or gift is forfeited.

Disclaimer: This contest is in no way sponsered or endorsed by The Childrens Place, I simply happen to like their store and I Love seeing babies and kids in their adorable clothes. By accepting the prize winner accepts the terms and conditions as laid out on the back of the gift card pertaining to it’s use and redemption.

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