/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Men of honor

There are so many songs, poems, and fitting sayings that express how important and appreciated Dads are.   I couldn’t think of the perfect one so I turned to  my four year old daughter and how she sees her own Dad.  “Daddy works, he fixes everything, Daddy is strong.”  It reminded me of a quote from a movie and when I remembered the title I thought how perfect!  What could be more honorable than being a Dad?  “If  it’s lost he finds it. If it’s sunk he brings it up. If it’s in his way he moves it. . .”  To the man who can do anything and does so out of love.    He protects and provides,  plays catch and hosts tea parties… Happy Father’s Day to a girls first love and a boys first hero.. their Dad.





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Baby Sister ~ Newborn Photographer Oakley

There is no telling where I would be without my big sister. I often feel obligated to have another baby so that my daughter can have a sibling (but mostly so that she can have a baby sister) and since there is no controlling that… I have an only child! Now don’t get me wrong, I have a baby brother too and of course my life would not have been the same without him (a few less bandaids and trips to the Doctors for starters!) But I’m sure he always wished he had a brother. I love all of my siblings with all of my heart.  So when these two beautiful girls showed up for their session ahhh the wheels started turning again.. This is a dangerous job!

Congratulations to the G family, blessed with two beautiful girls. Big sister was so careful, so proud, and very photogenic! Thank you for bringing your family to me.



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  • Alana McClure - Can you ever tell she loves her baby sister! Great capture.ReplyCancel

  • Ashlyn Dawson - oh my goodness, too sweet! love <3ReplyCancel

  • Maxine Evans - Super sweet!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Wilcox - Love that sibling shot;-).ReplyCancel

  • Chris Higginbottom - Gorgeous shots!ReplyCancel

  • Sherri Peroni - Ok, that sibling shot is a keeper!ReplyCancel

Newborn Photographer Brentwood Oakley

My Brother, My friend.  These two were so sweet. I loved the little smile “little” brother gave when he laid next to his “big” brother. Always an honor to photograph newly born babies, twice as nice when it’s twins! Thank you so much and congratulations again to you and your family!


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Newborn Baby Photography Brentwood / Oakley

This little blue blanket belonged to his daddy when he was a baby… There is something so sweet to me about that! What a sleepy and wonderful model he was. Thank you for allowing me to capture this time for you.

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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - excellent as always!ReplyCancel

Newborn Baby Photographer Bay Area ~ Brentwood

This little cutie has already graced my facebook page so here is her Blog debut!  Second Heir to the throne of a little shop called “Little Miss Everything”  she is the closest to a real princess I’ve ever had the honor of photographing.  Twice the fun when Big Sister got to play too. Thank you so much for asking me to capture this time for you! Such beautiful little girls!

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