/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Newborn Baby Photographer Oakley Brentwood

Ah this sweet baby girl was full of personality.  She was extremely curious and wanted to watch every move I made. She didn’t cry much she just looked around in amazement of her new world until she finally tired out.  She arrived dressed from head to toe in the cutest “girly” outfit so of course we took a few of those!

Thank you so much for letting me capture this delicate time for you.

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Tiffany Blue ~ Bay Area Brentwood Oakley Newborn Photographer

I was so excited when mom told me this baby girl’s nursery was ” Tiffany Blue. ”  What girl doesn’t know exactly what color that is?!  Just the week before I had found this little flower with just a touch of blue and I have  had this wrap on a shelf  just waiting for it’s debut!  With those beautiful pink cheeks this touch of blue was perfect!  I believe this little one is going to have expensive taste, as soon as that crown was placed on her head she smiled!  Thank you so much for bringing her to me to capture this time for you! A very special thanks to Grandma too who clearly loves this little gem beyond words!

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With Love ~ Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer

Ahh this sweet little baby boy did not travel from spain just for his newborn session (how honored would I be?!)  However his parents are from two parts of the world and so he is a world traveler in theory!  Born into the U.S with love.  Thank you so much for asking me to capture this time for you.

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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - darling

  • Maxine Evans - So cute, love the suitcase! ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Wilcox - I love how you incorporated the “travel” aspect into his session!ReplyCancel

  • Carol Lea - What a fun prop! Such a fantastic way to represent both his parents. Nice job!ReplyCancel

Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer ~ Oakley Brentwood ~ It’s a girl

Years ago before my daughter was even thought of, my sister was pregnant with her first child. She decided she was going to wait until birth to know the gender… that drove me crazy! How could anyone wait that long? How are we supposed to buy things, get ready, spoil this child before they arrive if we don’t know the gender?  Being in the delivery room when she gave birth and finding out at that moment it was a girl was so amazing that when it was my turn.. I waited.  I remember when I delivered,  my mom exclaimed, “It’s a girl!” and I was already so taken by the moment of giving birth to a child that hearing it was a girl was like icing on the cake, a total surprise to me.  I had actually forgotten that I didn’t know what I was having!

When I met this couple to talk about their session they informed me they were waiting and I was so excited. I highly recommend it to anyone who can handle the wait!  And so again I was part of the sweet surprise a week before the session of  finding out, “It’s a girl!”  Congratulations and thank you so much for bringing your sweet surprise to me!


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  • Trezza Photography - I love the heart hands–so fabulous!ReplyCancel

  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - awesome shot, so simple yet so touching! great job yet again!ReplyCancel

  • Janet Scott - Adorable – that’s our granddaughter! =)ReplyCancel

East Bay Area Newborn Baby Photographer ~ Guitars and Props

First and foremost my goal of every session is to capture timeless images of newly born babies. The tiny toes, the soft skin, and those beautiful close ups of their Angelic faces.  When I use props in my images it is very purposeful. I am careful to choose props that are in relation to newborns like scales or baskets, or symbolic of growth and new life.  There is the occasional prop I choose because it really emphasizes how small and delicate a newborn is in comparison.  I admit when I am out and about town I do come across items or decor and think, “Wow I would love to put a baby on that!”  But it is also with the hope that I meet a family that would fit that prop,  I don’t just use it in my next session.

When just the thought of your subject is so naturally beautiful it’s important not to over power or add anything that will take away from what you ultimately want to capture.  In a case like the image below the prop has a sentimental place in the family’s heart.  The guitar belonged to this beauty’s Great Grandfather and was given to her Mother.  Years from now when she is grown and she sees this image it won’t just be a cute idea.  She will have heard the stories of her Great Grandfather, seen pictures of him, and she will feel a connection as if she had met him herself.  The prop represents what you don’t see in this image, that is what makes it important to the family, that is what makes it important to me!



(What I would give for an image of me or my daughter as a baby on my Father’s guitar!)

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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - outstanding as always! you never cease to amaze me!ReplyCancel