First and foremost my goal of every session is to capture timeless images of newly born babies. The tiny toes, the soft skin, and those beautiful close ups of their Angelic faces. When I use props in my images it is very purposeful. I am careful to choose props that are in relation to newborns like scales or baskets, or symbolic of growth and new life. There is the occasional prop I choose because it really emphasizes how small and delicate a newborn is in comparison. I admit when I am out and about town I do come across items or decor and think, “Wow I would love to put a baby on that!” But it is also with the hope that I meet a family that would fit that prop, I don’t just use it in my next session.
When just the thought of your subject is so naturally beautiful it’s important not to over power or add anything that will take away from what you ultimately want to capture. In a case like the image below the prop has a sentimental place in the family’s heart. The guitar belonged to this beauty’s Great Grandfather and was given to her Mother. Years from now when she is grown and she sees this image it won’t just be a cute idea. She will have heard the stories of her Great Grandfather, seen pictures of him, and she will feel a connection as if she had met him herself. The prop represents what you don’t see in this image, that is what makes it important to the family, that is what makes it important to me!

(What I would give for an image of me or my daughter as a baby on my Father’s guitar!)
Sandra McCullough- Managan - very nice