Many of you may know Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. “gathering” is one of my favorite things to do. On the daily basis I have a small family of four (counting the dog!) Now I say small but by no means is it quiet around here. It’s amazing how much noise and chaos a small family of 3 (and a dog) can create! My extended family however (and by extended I simply mean getting together with my parents, siblings, and their children) is a slightly larger number of twenty! Yes, we are like gremlins. The simple act of getting together for dinner is like an episode of (insert any number of sitcoms where a large family gets together and there is non-stop talking, laughing, teasing, and unlimited amount of mishaps, here.) So Thanksgiving… where we add in-laws, Aunts and Uncles, friends, and often times a lonely soul or two, there is never a dull moment. I am Thankful everyday for both my little and my large family. Thanksgiving is just a day where I am reminded of how connected I am to an amazing unit of genuinely good people who provide an unlimited amount of support, comfort, and laughter in this crazy life. And for that, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Oh and for the pumpkin pie! 😉

Thanksgiving is also a time to remind my clients how Thankful I am for them. Getting to capture newborn babies in their first weeks of life is an amazing job. Watching them grow through their milestone sessions, the holiday cards I receive, and of course following the images you share, is so rewarding. I sincerely thank you all for your continued support, referrals, and friendships. I wish you all a happy, safe, and grateful Thanksgiving.