/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

1 Year Old ~ Newborn Photography ~ Bay Area Oakley

Happy birthday to this little man! 1 Year old today. Which means his big sister is another year older too! They just don’t stop do they? I hope you and your family are enjoying every moment and have a wonderful day today.  It was an honor to photograph your first days of life.   HAPPY HAPPY first birthday to you!

Starla Wise Photography Newborn Baby OL 16Starla Wise Photography Newborn Baby OL 37

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Newborn Baby Photography ~ Walnut Creek Bay Area

These little lips could not be more perfect!  She was quite a curious one and wanted to be sure I was doing everything right as she watched my every move.  I always joke when babies are curious that they may be a future photographer, but this little one I am most certain was studying more for the model position.  What a beautiful one she is! Thank you so much for bringing her to me so new. Congratulations to you and your family.

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  • Lana - What a precious sweet girl. Beautiful photography!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Wilcox - She is so pretty in her pink wrap.ReplyCancel

  • amy leigh - oh Starla! this is such a pretty shot!! what a beautiful subject, too! nice work and I love the hair accessory!ReplyCancel

Sweet Angel ~ Newborn Photographer

Say hello to this sweet baby girl.  She looks like an Angel when she sleeps, which during this shoot was not often!  She loves to wiggle but every now and then she would lay quiet and peaceful for her shots. I think it’s because she knows she’s cute!


Starla Wise  Seefeldt 025 IMG_6001Starla Wise  Seefeldt 020 IMG_5945Starla Wise  Seefeldt 019 IMG_5935Starla Wise  Seefeldt 011 IMG_5867

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Newborn Photographer ~ Bay Area Concord

Catching up! This little man was here a few weeks back.  He was so sweet and sleepy. Say hello to newborn baby “C”  Thank you Mom and Dad so much for asking me to be your photographer! I could not get enough of this baby boy!


Starla Wise Photography  Newborns 12  IMG_5529Starla Wise Photography newborn babyStarla Wise Photography newborns IMG_5666

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  • Today Everlasting Photography - OOOOOOH!! I could stare at these all day . . . ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Wilcox - He looks so perfectly cozy in the scale!ReplyCancel

  • Chelsy Ann Clark-Supinski - Oh my gosh how precious! What a good variety!!ReplyCancel