/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

They grow so fast ~ Baby Photographer ~ Bay Area Concord, Oakley

As if my own child isn’t a constant reminder of how time flies. When I decided to start doing 6 month and one year sessions for my newborn clients I didn’t know how much it would impact me.  In as little as 6 months these newborn babies that were so tiny they were being swallowed by their car seats, come back to me with chubby rolls on their legs, big smiles, and the amazing motor skills that make them little people!  In all honesty it really makes my newborn work that much more important to me.  Every day (and you know it moms.. every day) after giving birth is a new experience.  Every day holds a new surprise, a new challenge, and  heaven help us a new fear!  I can’t describe what it means to me to be able to stop time in the very beginning of it all to give you something to look back on, an image that every image after can compare to so that you are reminded  what an amazing thing YOU created and how they are thriving because of you!  Just as excited to be chosen to capture the milestones and be a part of watching them grow. Thank you so much!

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Newborn Baby Photography ~so small ~ Bay Area Discovery Bay

I love when a prop really shows how small a newborn baby is. Especially when that prop represents a part of the parents lifestyle. I know that some day this little guy will be wake boarding and his Dad won’t be able to help himself but to say, “You know you were so small once your whole body used to fit between the bindings.?”  It means so much to me to capture these memories for you. Thank you and Congratulations to your beautiful family.



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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - awesome shot!!ReplyCancel

  • Ali Jessen - Awe thank you so much for capturing this special time for us!! ReplyCancel

Daddy’s arms ~ Newborn photographer bay area

I love capturing images of newborns in their parents arms.  The way they fit so snugly in the space between your wrist and the crease of your elbow is breathtaking.  Newborn life amazes me in every way.  I am so thankful to be able to capture this time.  Congratulations to you and your family.  I’m sure this is the first of many images you will have of this little man in Daddy’s arms.


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Sleeping Baby Beauty ~ Newborn photographer East bay area

This baby girl was such a sleeper.  You can see in the images how cozy she is either wrapped up tight or in her birthday suit!  One of my “taller” babies though you wouldn’t know it by these sleeping pictures.  Mom brought in a little chair from her room that we photographed her in.  I love personal items like that.  It’s especially fun to use it again in 6 months to see how much she’s grown! Thank you for bringing your new baby girl to me. She is such a beauty. Congratulations to you and your family.


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Happy First Birthday ~ East Bay Area Newborn Photographer

I not only had the pleasure of photographing this little princess when she was newly born but I also got to see her again at 6 months (stay tuned for her 1 year session I am so excited!)  She is such a happy and photogenic baby girl.  I absolutely love being able to continue to be a part of the amazing first year of her life. Thank you so much for allowing me to capture these milestones for you.  Happy very first birthday to you little one!!

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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - what a doll, and a remarkable job of photography as always!!ReplyCancel