/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Newborn Photographer ~ They grow so fast ~ Oakley Bay Area

It’s back to school for some and for others it’s just around the corner! As my little one gets ready for Kindergarten I am rushing from store to store, searching online, and spinning in circles wanting to find the perfect back pack and the right lunch box. I am filled with worry that she won’t have what she needs.  The stores are packed even at 8:00 pm. It feels like the Christmas rush.  I’m dragging her from store to store, “try on these shoes, stand still I can’t see if this is the right fit, come on we need to go get a hair cut, Yes I know you’re hungry here’s a granola bar, no we can’t go to the park right now maybe tomorrow.”

Meanwhile she is 5 inches taller than she was last year I swear!  I notice the 10 inches we cut off her hair a little over a year ago is almost back where it started and tomorrow when I want to have that picnic with her she is going to be too busy hanging out with her twelve year old friends.   I know it’s easier said than done to stop and put aside your chores and work, to slow down and just enjoy a moment.  I have often found that I am in the middle of something and I have to say, “just a minute” when my daughter asks me to get her a snack.  However when I am in the middle of something and I hear my phone text or email I stop, look, read, and sometimes even respond and in that time I could have stopped to get us both a snack! We work for our money, we work out for our health, but when it comes to finding time for the simple things like a trip to the park or a tea party with your 5 year old it seems so easy to say, “I can’t right now” when really if you work to find time you can.

Can everyone tell I am about to send my only child off to Kindergarten and it’s not going so well emotionally?! 😉  They grow so fast… hold on to every moment you can, try harder for the ones you think you can’t.

I’m sure this little one’s Mama will agree. Her baby girl was a newborn just last week and now she is a big One Year Old!  What 12 little months can do.  Thank you so much for letting me capture these moments for you!


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Milestone Session ~ One Year ~ Oakley Photographer

I have had babies smile, cry, laugh, and give me concerned looks while they try to figure out what this thing is I have pointed at them. The expressions from this session just take the cake (literally) Mom has a cowboy themed birthday party planned and brought a few items to go along with that. This little guy played the part of the outlaw to a T!  He did break down and give us a little of his softer side though.

Happy First Birthday to you.

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Long awaited newborn Baby Boy ~ Newborn Photographer ~ Oakley

I see a lot of families with older boys and then a little girl comes along. It’s adorable to see how the older boys are perceived as the protectors and how it’s easy to assume that her future dating life will probably be nothing short of difficult for her suitors!  For this family two beautiful little girls came first and while any boy with older sisters knows they can be quite protective too, I believe this little guy has every intention of still being in charge. Weighing in at 9 pounds 10 ounces it won’t take long before he is the big brother. I hope his sisters are good to him!

Congratulations to the long awaited birth of your baby boy! Thank you so much for allowing me to capture this time for you.

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Little Boy Blue ~ Newborn Baby Photography Brentwood, Oakley, El Cerrito

This sweet little man was full of smiles.  Usually I capture many shots of baby’s sleepy faces and every now and then I can see a smile coming and I catch it. With this guy I found myself waiting for him to stop smiling so I could get a  few of his peaceful dreaming face!  His big sister took a little longer to warm up but when she did we caught an image that is sure to make everyone smile each time they walk by it hanging on the wall. I’ve included a room image of the collage this family ordered. I know you are going to cherish it for years to come! Thank you so much for your trust in my work, making the drive, and choosing to have this special time in your lives captured.


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It’s Summer Baby!

Who’s been dreaming of wake boarding all winter?! At least two little babies I know. First day of Summer. Welcome to it.

starla wise photography summer

Stage 3 of my New Year’s Resolution. While I haven’t shared the way I initially intended, I have definitely been making some changes and decisions behind the scenes. I highly recommend to anyone who makes New Year’s Resolutions to break it into seasons like I did this year instead of giving yourself one goal and an entire year to not accomplish it  😉   Having a reminder or stopping point every 3 months to revisit your goal or evaluate your original decision has made a huge difference. I have tackled quite a few tasks  not only in my business but also my home and personal life. Baby steps, who knew?! So Cheers to the first day of another successful Season.  I hope everyone has a safe summer filled with loved ones and good times.

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