/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

Milestone photography session ~ 1 year birthday boy ~

I would like to dedicate this post to a very special birthday boy who celebrated his first birthday this weekend!  I am so honored to have my newborn clients bring their little ones back to me to capture this one year milestone. I was amazed at how cooperative and happy this little guy was. I wanted to use some of the same props we used during his newborn shoot so we could really see how much he’s grown and I couldn’t have asked him to pose any better. It was like he remembered being here before and was saying, “Hey look how much bigger I am now!” Happy birthday to you and to your parents who survived the first year of new parenthood!

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Newborn Baby girl and her big sister~ Brentwood Oakley newborn photographer

I often get comments about my 5 year old daughter on her imagination, vocabulary, and how much she has to say.  When this Big sister came to the session I was so excited to meet another little girl with such an amazing interest in life! If she had a question she asked it, if she had an opinion she stated it.  Her personality is strong and determined. There is no doubt she is going to be a protector, provider, and force to be reckoned with if you mess with her baby sister!  What a lucky newborn baby girl to be added to an already wonderful family! It was my pleasure to capture these moments for you. Congratulations!


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The littlest things ~ Newborn baby photographer ~ Oakley Brentwood

This little one was such a beauty.  Mom was not a fan of standard pink so I got to try out my brand new blue wrap and headband ohh it looks so pretty on her doesn’t it?! Mom and I talked about our love for all things Disney. I don’t think it will be long before this little princess gets to meet the man himself (Mickey Mouse!) One of my favorite all time Disney quotes will grace the back of her announcement,

“Sometimes . . the smallest things take up the most room in your heart” ~ Winnie The Pooh

Thank you so much for choosing me as your photographer I look forward to seeing her again in 6 short months!


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6 Month Baby boy ~ Photographer Bay Area Oakley Brentwood

Hello Ladies! I like to watch the sunset, Giants games, and long walks on the beach (in my stroller of course) 😉  Doesn’t he look like a little bachelor in this outfit? I just loved him. Thank you so much for allowing me to capture his 6 month milestone. What a sweet baby boy you have!


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Party of five ~ Newborn Baby Photography Bay Area

When you are blessed with children as beautiful as these two what else is there to do but have another?! These two were so excited to have their picture taken with their new baby brother and I could not be more honored to have been chosen to photograph them. I have to say this first image just pulls at my heart strings! Congratulations on the arrival of your little man and earning the title “Party of Five”!


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  • Jaimie Littlefield - The family portrait is my favoriteReplyCancel