/blog/ noun 1. An online journal. Full name, Web Log (typically updated daily)

Daily?! Ha ha, no not here. For a daily or weekly dose of baby images you can follow Starla Wise Photography on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Since most of my time is occupied behind the camera, my blog is randomly updated. So check in often. This is where I'll share recent sessions, studio information, and maybe a personal story or two. Thank you for taking the time...

2015 Newborn Photography Birthday Celebration

It’s here it’s here Newborn babies every day of the year!

The SWP 2015 Calendar is now available for purchase…. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE 😉

This week my husband and I are celebrating our birthdays! Yes finally we can get rid of those fake Id’s.     In the spirit of celebrating:

Calendar orders placed today (his birthday) through Monday December 22nd (my birthday) receive 25% off by entering code BIRTHDAY at checkout. **SALE EXTENDED THROUGH CHRISTMAS EVE**

I hope you enjoy this Calendar and as always Thank you, sincerely for your continued support

Click HERE to Purchase


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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - awesome, well done starReplyCancel

Newborn world traveler ~ Newborn photographer ~ Starla Wise Photography

Well that last post really got the ball rolling. Not only was my calendar full of holiday sessions but suddenly every baby that was due in December decided to arrive early!  What a busy November it was and I couldn’t be happier.  I just love photographing newborns and watching them grow through their milestone sessions. However the busier it is in the studio, the quieter it gets here on the blog. I apologize to those who check in regularly but get ready because I have a lot to share this month!


Starting with this little man. I tell you it’s a little unfair that this is the second baby I have photographed under a month new that has more stamps on their passport than I do! We decorated his suit case with traveling stickers that represent places in the world that are a part of him.  He was born here in the states but will be traveling “home” to Australia soon. Say hello (and G’day mate) to Baby A.  He was so sweet and sleepy. I thank you so much for allowing me to capture his early days for you!

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  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - love it, love his wrinkles, looks like a good sized boyReplyCancel

Oakley newborn, baby, child, photographer ~ First Birthday

Yes, I know Fall is here and I have not posted my quarterly new season eve post! I will. Fall is by far my favorite season and shame on me for not bringing it in with the attention it deserves. Let’s just say like all good things it will be fashionably late and worth it!

Meanwhile I have been celebrating first birthdays like crazy and having so much fun doing it. This session in particular gave me more than a few perfect images that I am going to stash away for a rainy day. The expressions just scream “put a quote bubble above my head and post me on facebook” and don’t you worry I will. Make sure to watch for this cutie to grace my facebook and quite possibly a marketing piece soon!

Thank you for allowing me to capture your beautiful baby girl in honor of her first birthday. Click or swipe to scroll through these images!

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Starla Wise Photography voted “Best of Oakley” Photographer ~ Newborn baby, child photographer

I am so excited, honored, and thankful to have been given the gold award for best photographer in Oakley!  I sincerely thank everyone who so thoughtfully took the time to vote. Having a small business is such hard work and keeping it going and growing truly relies on word of mouth and loyal clients.  I cannot say enough how wonderful my clients are and how so many of you have become friends. Thank you to Brentwood Press for a wonderful article as well. You can check it out below or HERE in the Best of Oakley 2014 Issue

In the first weeks of a newborns life you will take hundreds of photos via your point and shoot, cell phone, Ipad, and of course the “expensive” camera you splurged on when you knew your little one was on the way.  Some will get printed, most will be locked in cyber space never to be seen again, and usually one lucky one out of the hundreds will be chosen as your screen saver or profile pic.  The images I capture from newborn through the milestones of sitting up, standing, and of course their first cake are meant to be displayed as a daily reminder not only for you but for your child as they grow to remember how amazing their existence is to you.  How in a world full of  big money, big fame, and all other grand things, nothing could be bigger to you than this one very small thing.  This is what I strive to do.

Thank you truly for inviting me to be a part of their early stages with you.  Thank you again to everyone, clients, friends, family, and fans for voting!


starla wise photography best of oakley gold 2014

starlawisephotography best of oakley


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