Most of my clients come to me via word of mouth (Probably because my lack of social media skills! I get so caught up with photographing, editing, and working personally with clients that blogging and posting never seem to get done.) I appreciate my fans and followers and from time to time I run into someone who says, “I love seeing your pictures on Facebook and Instagram.” So to you I apologize for my few and far between posts. I will try harder to share more!
So here you go.. A family member of mine referred a co-worker friend of hers to me a while back. That session led to this session as a family member loved the photos and purchased a gift certificate for her nephew. Well guess what?! That nephew’s sibling is expecting and another certificate was purchased and awaiting arrival! I am over the moon when clients are so happy with my work that they refer their friends and family to me. I am especially honored when they purchase my services as a gift. I am truly grateful and can’t express how much it means to me to capture this time for multiple members of your family for you to share and enjoy for years to come.
Congratulations to you all on your growing families.