Starla Wise Photography 2016 Wall Calendar Contest

The 3rd Annual SWP Calendar has arrived! Win it before you can buy it!  Scroll Down and use the widget to enter the contest.

Begins December 10, 2015 12:00am PST Ends December 17, 2015 12:00am PST


Winner will be announced here on the blog. Winner must provide email address when entering contest, winner will be announced and emailed on December 18th, 2015 and must respond within 24 hours to accept prize. Prize will be delivered via USPS. FACEBOOK is in no way a part or sponsor of this contest.


To purchase the calendar now you may click HERE

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  • Phoebe Williamson - Oh oh pick me pick me.!!!ReplyCancel

  • Luisa Ortiz - I love seeing all the pictures of all the little angels on your page.ReplyCancel

  • Sandra McCullough- Managan - i love seeing all the beautiful miracles you photograph, at 66 they still bring back memories af my own!!ReplyCancel